You have decided: you don't want a space-consuming hinged door, it becomes a sliding door that disappears into the wall. Optimal space saving. But what does a sliding door in the wall actually cost? The specialists at BestFix Sliding Door Systems are happy to answer this question.

As is often the case, the costs depend on your wishes. The cheapest solution is a simple sliding door rail that you mount between the walls. You can get a separate rail system including suspension set from around € 150.

Placing between two walls: what are the costs

You can, for example, place the rail on the ceiling against an existing wall. You then make a wall for that, so that the sliding door will disappear nicely into the wall. If you want to separate a large space into two rooms, you can of course also install two new walls.

With this method it is good to realize a number of things in advance:

  • In addition to purchasing your rail system, there will be additional costs for making the wall(s).
  • If you have the work carried out by a professional, it is good to realize that this way of making a sliding door in the wall is quite labour-intensive.
  • You have to make sure everything is exactly level. You don't want your sliding door to open or close by itself, for example, while you have just closed your wall.
  • Realize how you want to finish the doorway. Do you want to be able to remove your door later without having to break everything away?
  • How high do you want the doorway? If you attach the sliding door rail to the ceiling, you get a very high sliding door. If you want to keep the height of the door opening the same as the rest of your doors, you will have to make a construction that is strong enough to bear the weight of your sliding door.
  • Remember that this way the wall will be a lot thicker than the other walls in your house!


Built-in sliding door system: what are the costs

Another way to make a sliding door in the wall is to use a built-in system. You buy a whole frame, where the sliding door comes in a cassette in the wall. Although the first purchase is a lot higher than a separate sliding door rail, there are a number of major advantages. The final costs are therefore not or not much higher than the way we described it above.

We list the advantages of a built-in sliding door system: p>

  • The frame is placed on the finished floor. This means you don't have to make a construction to get your door opening exactly at the height.
  • Your sliding door will hang in the frame. If you have placed the frame level, you can also be sure that your sliding door will hang level and will therefore not close or slide open by itself.
  • Quick and easy to install.
  • Your sliding door already fits in a wall of 10 cm!

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How much does a sliding door frame that is built into the wall cost?

Prices fluctuate quite a bit, especially due to the current economic situation and the lack of raw materials. Nevertheless, we would like to give you an indication. Based on current prices (November 2022), such a system starts from around € 430. We are talking about a kit, where you still have to assemble the frame yourself. That's not difficult. An inexperienced person who is a bit handy can do this in half an hour.

The whole still needs to be finished with plasterboard, a door frame and a finishing frame, also called an architrave, around the door opening. If you want a more modern, sleek finish, there is also a kit with an integrated door frame. No head lath or finishing strip is required with this built-in system. The system forms a whole with the rest of your wall.


wat kost een schuifdeur in de wand

*The cost indication on the image above is based on the prices of February 2021, prices are subject to change and no rights can be derived from the image above.

Ready-to-install sliding door system

If you want it even easier, there are also built-in sliding door systems with a ready-to-use cassette. All you have to do is slide in the top rail and attach the door jamb. After that your system is ready to be installed. Of course, such a ready-made system has a different price tag.

Will there be additional costs?

You can choose different accessories for your sliding door system. Consider, for example, a soft closer. Of course you have to include the costs for the sliding door panel and the costs for a sliding door bowl, with or without a lock.

What are the costs for a sliding door?

The costs for a sliding door also depend on your wishes and budget. You can adjust an existing door panel yourself, but there are also sliding doors that are completely prepared for the sliding door system of your choice.

If you want to reuse an existing door panel, that is of course the cheapest. You must have a so-called blunt door, not a rebated door. If you go for a door from a hardware store, choose a good quality door, because you will have to make a slot at the bottom of the door for the floor guide. After all, you don't want to immediately saw through the bottom bar and end up in a hollow space with all the consequences that entails.

Custom sliding door

If you buy a custom sliding door, the panel is already fully prepared for the system of your choice. The sliding doors in our own range are all quality doors. You can opt for a sliding door that you still have to paint (or have it painted) or a sliding door with an HPL top layer, then you will be ready in no time!

Contact us for more information

Would you like to know more about the costs for a sliding door in the wall? Feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you.